tonik brand

We need your feedback

And we need you to be brutally honest. Like Gordon Ramsey in Kitchen Nightmares type of honest. Why? Cause if you don’t tell us what’s not so good about our work, we don’t know how to improve. And we can’t grow. But if we’re kicking ass, bring that up too! It’s just 4 quick questions.

How happy are you with our work?

For now, forget about how we got there — think about the outcome.

How well did we manage the project?

Was it clear what, when and how are things getting done?

Ouch! Why was it so bad?
What should we improve?
What stands out the most?

How clearly did we communicate?

Consider how well we understood your needs and presented our solutions.

Oh, that’s... bad! What happened?!
What should we improve?

We’re going out of business*. How do you feel?

*Not like we’re planning to! That’s just a dark twisted fantasy.

Thank you!

We’ll take your feedback to heart, whether it’s humbling or making us blush.

Thank you!

You really like us, don’t ya? If you’re feeling extra generous, rate us on Clutch!